Posture Posture Posture!!!

If the eyes are the windows to the Soul. Well then, One's Posture is most certainly a window into their health, Both Physical and Emotional. You have been outside this week and have seen people walking by. Could you tell right away when you saw a sad person? a happy person? How about a depressed person or an angry one? Think about it, they don’t have to say a thing. Their face, body language, and Posture say it all. Sometimes scream it all. You could tell simply by looking at them. Even if you were across the street. and couldnt see their facial expression. When was the last time you met A Person with a chronic illness, Perhaps Parkinson's or heart disease? Did they have great posture? Heck, When was the last time you met anybody with Great posture? Probably a high-level athlete. Where are they in any way sick? When we looked around the fire at the tribe getting ready for war did we call for those whose posture was slumped and bent forward? or did we call out the strong, the upright, the Vigorous? Intuitively we know that an upright posture is associated with Confidence, Vigor, Endurance, and Strength. Who naturally inspires a sense of Admiration, respect, and Confidence?. The shuffling Sad Sack looking down at the ground, or the bouncy vigorous stallion strutting off somewhere, Clearly on their way to Do Something?! Probably something important. Our posture is intimately related to our health, just imagine if you were to slump your head forward onto your chest, round your shoulders forward, bent forward at the waist, and may as well grab a walker. It’s the very picture of an "Old Person". Well, for one, you suddenly can no longer breath as deeply, and your circulation is significantly reduced since your sunken chest is now compressing your heart and lungs. Without the ability to breathe deeply or get that good blood circulating, now your endurance is decreased. You lose your Pep, It is difficult to think. You act and feel like you are half alive. It is also very hard to be optimistic when your head is stuck forward and looking at the ground. Did you know that you cannot be sad if you look up? Did you know that on average, taller men earn more money? And win more Elections. It is also obvious how more attractive and confident an upright posture Looks. So then, if posture is so important and such an obvious indication of your well-being or lack thereof. It would make sense to optimize your posture. At least, that is what all the scientific literature has pointed out. So Can you stretch and strengthen yourself into a better posture? Perhaps, pay attention to Avoid slumping while at the computer or staring at your phone?. To a large degree, you can manage Sit, Stand and sleep activities, yes. As to stretching or strengthening via yoga or weight lifting. That would certainly work on your outside muscles, the superficial layers. However, as anybody who has ever bitten into a chocolate caramel knows. All the Really good stuff happens in the center. If you are looking to improve your posture, Optimize your vitality and improve your physical performance, The answer is Advanced Biostructural Correction. The most consistent and effective natural method to reclaim your Body, Your Vigor, and your innate Swagger. Developed Less than 30 years ago Advanced Biostructural Correction is the cutting edge of Physical Medicine and can very well be the "Fountain of Youth" Are you ready to take a dip?

If You would like a thorough and comprehensive Explanation. Watch My Teacher and the Inventor of the Advanced Biostructural Correction Technique Dr. Jesse Jutkowitz Explain this Sweet science Below. Recommend playing at 2xspeed.W

Raydene Salinas Hansen

Raydene Salinas Hansen is a Creative Director based in Brooklyn, NY. She loves digital design and working collaboratively with her global design collective.

RSH Collective is currently taking on dope branding and digital projects.

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